Sunday, June 03, 2007

Woo Birthday Party!

bday 07 066
Originally uploaded by mwfeldman.
Cliff Notes:
We had a bunch of kids over. They played freeze dance. Then we shot balloons up into the air. Then they ate. Then we opened presents. Then they played with the presents. Then the cousins stayed the night, and the kids slept all by themselves in the tent. Kua guarded the backyard, of course. Then the cousins woke up and we hung out for awhile and took more pics. There's also a couple videos that i'll post pronto.

link to all the b-day pics

Thursday, May 17, 2007

We Bought a House

maplevalley2 004
Originally uploaded by mwfeldman.
Oh yes, it's true. Not quite sure how it happened. We saw a realtor. Then we looked at a buncha houses. Then we signed some papers. Then we had a big loan and a house.

Follow the link to see more pictures.

It's Warm Here: Also, I'm Foxy!

Sprinklervill2 2007 from mwfeldman on Vimeo

Seamus' Future

Now we know; poker pro it is. On the right, Alex Jacob. No worries, grandparents, he made nearly two million in 2006.

In other news, I really don't post here much. I do have tons of news and photos to share, however...I'll see what I can do about writing some in the next few days.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Man I Hate That Song

But American Idol contestants love them some Whitney Houston.

Here are videos of AI folk singing "I Have Nothing." The last one is Christina Aguilera singing it on the New Mickey Mouse Club in her early teens.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Nah...I Wasn't Feeling it, Dawg...

I've succumbed to American Idol.

In the past I've watched the early weeks (aka The Parade of the Delusional), and then gracefully bowed out when it became about singing. This year, I'm in for the stretch.

Key factors to my buy-in:
  • the 2+2 American Idol Wagering forum
  • The Antonella Barba white-trash-a-thon (For this I post no links. Find it yourself)
  • The Feldman American Idol betting pool (Being far away, i'm more motivated to be involved)
  • : A really cool way to predict who's getting how many votes based on rates of busy signals
  • Melinda Doolittle (Here doing "My Funny Valentine"): Who is awesome and may win despite looking 50 and wearing really retarded pants-suits every week.
  • Wiki articles about old contestants, with lists of every song they ever performed on the show, plus youtube, where you can see them all = staying up very late a few times.
  • Some other reasons that I won't fess up to unless you hit me with a knotted rope a ala "Casino Royale"

  • So I'm in, and therefore 10% closer to actually being a teenage girl.

    Tuesday, February 27, 2007

    I Love Barry Greenstein: Part 2

    In which Barry Greenstein uses internet nerd chat terminology in a $300/$600 no limit ring game.

    Background information:
    LOL = laugh out loud
    Donkey = bad poker player
    Tournament poker = a place where donkeys often succeed despite their horrible play, due to the large amount of short-term variance inherent in the structure.
    mashup the above to get: lol donkaments
    Confused? Read on...

    The 2+2 forums are the most popular poker forums online. Over the past few years they've really sprawled, to the point that there's so much content there one could never read it all. Along with such a big community comes inside jokes. One of the most popular currently is lol donkaments, which is shorthand for saying, essentially, that tournaments are dumb. It's a way to laugh off bad beats and put down successful tournament players.

    Key information: the essence of lol donkaments is that in tourny play super-aggressive, semi-suicidal play is the norm. Perhaps pushing with top pair second kicker after your opponent showed aggression on the flop?

    Finally, there's this. Barry is an occasional poster on 2+2. At a recent WPT event, a 2+2'er offered him $10,000 to utter the magic words on television. In the following clip, you will see Greenstein make a tourny donk move, and then say it. It's clearly the greatest moment in 2+2, and possibly in poker nerd, history.

    Will Smith is Not Going: Circa 1994

    like omg!

    Wednesday, February 21, 2007

    What do you mean you want to cut his hair?

    Just look at the kid!

    If you agree with me, please comment here and plead with her to save Seamus' luscious locks. If you disagree, do so privately. I'm not tryin' to hear that, yo.

    Monday, February 19, 2007

    Happy aniversary, Sid and Nene!

    Originally uploaded by mwfeldman.
    I'm a retard and don't know exactly when the anniversary is...but it's just about now.

    So happy one year, dudes.

    Tuesday, February 13, 2007

    Barry Greenstein is Incredible

    Really a sick hand. Also of note, two plus two poster Brian Townsend shushing WSOPME winner Jamie Gold when Gold talks during the key moment of the hand.

    Monday, February 12, 2007

    The Uncertain Nature of Obama's Blackness

    Discussed here on Colbert:

    and here on SNL:

    Wednesday, February 07, 2007

    Dude. Is There Anyplace Near By That's Just Like a Mini-Mall?

    Jen and Elliot Come to Visit

    elliot visit 019
    Originally uploaded by mwfeldman.
    Now tell me you don't want to see the rest of these pictures. I dare you.

    link to set

    Terrified Whitey!

    Poor poor Joe Biden! He took the fall for all of us whities that are afraid to talk to black folk for fear we'll be attacked for our well-meaning compliments. No wonder that one white guy doesn't have black friends. No wonder...

    Friday, January 12, 2007

    Chappelle...Comic Genius

    Watched this episode last night, and this piece slayed us. You'll have to watch the whole thing to get it, but the real slaying took place at about 2:20.

    Saturday, January 06, 2007

    Twin Falls: Again

    twin falls 030
    Originally uploaded by mwfeldman.
    Today the family took a trip to Twin Falls State Park. Last time it was just me and the kid. This time, we took mumsy and the dogs. The weather was cool, and the trail was technically "closed," because it was, technically, "washed out" in spots. Yeah, we went ahead and ignored that.

    Check the rest of the set here.

    Tuesday, January 02, 2007

    Chillin' at the Hot Tub West Coast Style, Baby.

    hottub 013
    Originally uploaded by mwfeldman.
    The hot tub is about 100 feet from our door. Sea-boy and Katie go a few times a week. Tonight I came along for the photo-op. Enjoy. link to the rest of the pics

    Aw, Pickles!

    In the car up to the summit last week, Seamus and the cousins created their new favorite exclamation. Guess what it is?

    In the video, Seamus gives a primer on its proper usage.

    Aaaaawwww Pickles! on Vimeo

    Monday, January 01, 2007

    Tubing photos are in!

    Originally uploaded by mwfeldman.
    And they are beauts. I take no credit, Kathy Buchanan took all these. Enjoy.

    link to the set