Friday, September 12, 2008

Mccain is Crushed By View Hosts

Yum yum.

(Huffington post article with links)

Palin Thinks the War in Iraq Has Something to Do With 9/11

She might be the only one left.

Sarah, stay on script. Please? You're embarrassing yourself.

Link to Post article.

Way to Prep, Sarah

She finally does an interview, and it turns out she doesn't know what the Bush doctrine is. Or, um...what a doctrine is. Or, after being given clues...what it is.

Wow, she rules.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Obama is a Very Very Bad Man for Saying the Word Lipstick

Here's Mccain's ad on the subject:

John Mccaain would never ever ever ever say such a thing, especially when it could be misconstrued to be in reference to a well-respected female politician. Never.

For Posterity: Stewart on the Gender Card

Friday, September 05, 2008

Weekend at Bernie's

090508 011
Originally uploaded by mwfeldman.
That's really all I have to say.


090508 157
Originally uploaded by mwfeldman.
So yeah. Seamus had his first day of school today.

here's the link to the pictures. No, I didn't cry. Yes, KT did.
link to set

Monday, September 01, 2008

Some New Pictures

090108 025

including rock climbing, cache hunting, and much much more.
Check 'em out here.